Day 5 of TED2024 marks the end of the conference, but nowhere near the end of the journey. Attendees have packed their bags and they’re taking with them the ideas they’ve heard, the wonder they’ve witnessed and the sparks of what’s next.
The day at a glance…
Session 11, “Connectors” featured talks from Isaac Saul on the urgent need for non-partisan journalism, Julie and John Gottman on how healthy couples fight, the iconic Kesha on the alchemy of pop and Brian Lowery on how to build a meaningful life.

The day and the conference ended with a farewell picnic where friends connected for one last time before going their separate ways. Hugs were exchanged and promises to keep in touch were made. What an incredible week this has been.
Get your TED Live pass and watch the full program of talks from wherever you are.
For the last day of TED2024, we asked four attendees what they see in the future – for themselves, for their next TED Conference and for the world. Here is what they shared:
1. The future is accessible and intimate
“This year has been the best. Being a deaf person, I rely on a team of interpreters and captions that TED has organized here” said DJ Kurs. “The captions are an exciting new feature this year.” The new level of accessibility allowed him to get even closer to the speakers and the content by having dual modalities to take in the talks.
One that stood out to him was given by Sonia Vallabh. A lawyer who had been diagnosed with prion disease, Sonia quit her job to start researching her condition. Kurs dined with Sonia the evening before she spoke and was already inspired by her. “She mentioned that she was going to be a speaker, but she did not reveal her topic,” he recalled. “I felt like I got to know her as a person and then to see this new side of her, hear her reveal this very personal story and personal journey, it was very powerful.”

2. The future is curious and vulnerable
“What I love about TED is that we meet with our ideas and our hearts,” said TED speaker, neuroscientist and author, Jill Bolte Taylor. “To truly be open to new ideas, we have to be curious. It comes from an openness and shared love. I’ve always felt that from this organization.”
She also highlighted that TED really took on being vulnerable this year. Not just with the new tagline, moving from ‘ideas worth spreading’ to ‘ideas change everything,’ but also by asking the speakers to be vulnerable. It’s what makes TED unlike anything Jill has ever experienced at a conference.

The future is representation
“I would say 95% of the people I spoke to were here to genuinely connect and meet people who will become friends,” said Lumia Yates, who also described their experience as “one of the most life-affirming and transformative weeks of my life.”
Lumia added that everyone they met is committed to changing the world and, in their own small way, wants to make an incredible impact. Lumia is also thinking about how that will show up at TED2025.
“I want to see a trans person on stage. Not because they are trans, but because they’re doing something remarkable and world-changing and just happen to be trans. I want to see that representation.”

Join us at TEDNext to continue the journey
We know from our week here at TED that the future is bright and brave, and ideas are changing everything already. If it makes you wonder what lies ahead…join us at TEDNext on October 22-24 in Atlanta, GA!
We see you on socials!
We’ve only spoken to a handful of attendees, but so many others shared their ideas, inspiration and future aspirations on socials. Take a look:
#TED2024 @TEDTalks theme this year is The Brave & the Brilliant
— Sharlene Gill, MD, MPH, MBA, FASCO (@GillSharlene) April 17, 2024
Today I tried to conquer #Brave 💪
👇Urban Rappelling @overtheedge #RogersTower #Vancouver😳
➡️ I guess #Brilliance is next?!🤞
Continue the journey at TEDNext
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