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TED Conferences bring together fascinating people representing technology, research, philanthropy, education, environmentalism, science, arts, architecture and more to experience the power of ideas that change everything.
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TED's global stage and the support of our incredible community have empowered us to share bold ideas and drive real-world change. In 2023, we saw thousands of ideas take flight — changing minds, lives and systems, from remarkable advancements in science and AI to tangible solutions to the climate crisis. Download the report to find out more about how TED's work has helped inform and inspire action around the world.
Conference participants are the first to hear revolutionary ideas from the TED stage. They get to meet speakers before they’ve become household names and get the chance to form lasting connections with like-minded souls.
Our application process allows our team to not only curate the speakers but also the audience – ensuring every attendee belongs in the room – including you.
Our curatorial team searches the world to find the freshest voices with the most groundbreaking ideas to change people, communities, and our collective future.
Whether it’s delivered by an inventor of game-changing devices, an emerging artist, or a technologist sharing new discoveries, every TED talk is a revolution of ideas.
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