Just when TED2024 attendees thought the innovative ideas had reached their peak, Day 4 was the crescendo beyond what they thought possible. Take a look at the ideas that are changing everything.
Here's a quick snapshot of the day's highlights:
The day at a glance…
The “Explorers” in Session 8 included robot choreographers, a war reporter, a cartoonist and an AI visionary. Session 9’s “Shapeshifters” discussed the wonder of testosterone, finding your inner fifth grader, quadratic funding and preventative medicine.
Discovery Sessions ranged from a sustainability conversation on regenerative agriculture to art as social movement to a TED immigrant diaspora meetup. Session 10 featured “Enchanters” who shared the transformative power of art, the future of media and a journey through sound.
Finally, a special circus celebration offered attendees the perfect capstone for their day with spectacular performances, delectable drinks and eats, beats from the DJ booth and low sensory spaces for those who simply wanted to find a space to think and talk.

Check out TED Live to watch the full program from wherever you are.
Once all the learning, curiosity, brain bending (and partying) is done, what comes next?
Here are 4 things attendees learned this week that they hope will benefit you, too — even if you couldn’t be with us in Vancouver:
1. We can disagree with curiosity and respect
“My big takeaway from this year is that you can disagree with people and still respect them,“ said TED Donor Ross Rosenberg.
Ross saw this play out on the stage, where speakers and attendees learned from each other and built bridges. Ross learned that it’s passion, curiosity and determination that matters most.

2. We each have a role to play in transforming the future
“It’s an energy recharger to come from working on my own to hearing these world-changing stories," said Sandra Thompson, founding director, management consultant and visceral trainer. “I know I’m helping with that massive movement.”
Attending TED made Sandra feel like she’d been to a brain spa for a week, and she’s leaving rejuvenated.
“I'm coming next year and am more of an advocate than ever,” Thompson said. As a member of the TEDx community, she was moved by being a part of a selflessly collaborative community and looks forward to applying what she learned to her own work.

3. Human connection and trust are essential in the age of AI
“My biggest reflection is how important human connection and trust are in the age of AI,” said Nichol Bradford. She was particularly moved by Pete Stavros’s talk on employee-owned business models.
“Employees have to trust that tasks can really be gotten rid of to serve the customer better or drive your business,” she said reflecting on the part of Stravros’s talk that focused on how he revamped his company to reinvest in the community in the age of AI. “And employee owners have to be willing to tell you what can be automated.”

4. Ideas really do change everything
“What I’m taking with me is everything,” said AI Intrapreneur Pankaj Kedia. “TED began 40 years ago with ‘Ideas worth spreading.’ But those ideas are now changing everything.”
From the friendships he has cultivated to the late-night dinners to the early morning sessions, Pankaj has lots to reflect on and incorporate into his life and work once he returns home.
From the groundbreaking talks – coming soon to TED.com! – to the unique interactive demos and exhibits, TED2024 has left an impression on everyone here.
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